Issue Position: My Platform

Issue Position

No Money Elections-Including Judges, Congress, Senate, Governors and the Presidency.

I propose a ten-year term limit for federal and state congressional representatives.

"We the people" own the airwaves; let's use them to our advantage. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wanted average citizens, who will always be more inclined to build growth in America, to run our nation. If the head of a nation practices honor and integrity, that nation's foundation will be on sure ground.

Resoring Manufacturing jobs in the USA will increase our Natioanal and State GDP.

Restructuring our energy sources to include Wind Turbines and Solar Panels for homes and businesses.

Establish manufacturing facilites creating wind turbines and Solar Panels in South Carolina.

Enforcing illegal immigration should fall on employers who hire them. Make the process for Green card simplier-E-verify in 2 months time. Ages 40 years and younger eligible for citizenship, then they will pay Full taxes.

I have zero propensity for corruption.

With regard for citizens who need help, especially seniors and autistic persons, I want to get the assistance they need to be comfortable.

Schools will be restructured to assist in educational development of our children.

Advanced education will have a Two perent interest on Student Loans-guaranteed by USA.

Balanced budget and receive higher tariffs on ALL imports into the USA.
